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gluten free caesar salad with dressing

Gluten free and dairy free Caesar salad dressing recipe

Running out of gluten-free and dairy-free lunch ideas for your kids’ lunchboxes? This can be a particular challenge when most traditional options revolve around bread and cheese. Of course you can always use gluten-free bread to make the traditional turkey or peanut butter and jelly, but why not think outside the standard lunch box fare […]

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Gluten-free Spaghetti, Rice and Lentil pilaf

Halloween food should look scary but still taste good! When it comes to Halloween cooking, you want your food to look scary but not taste that way. I used to make a “bug salad” a few years back but with barley so it wasn’t gluten-free. However, you could substitute rice or quinoa for it so […]

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Pot roast

Not My Mom’s Pot Roast

This is easy. My mom didn’t really make pot roast. My memories, growing up in an Italian family on the east coast, were of risotto, bracciole, meatballs and the occasional roast beef. Unfortunately, roasts were not her forte. My dad would always ask her to under cook it “You can put it back in if […]

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The Best-o Pesto

I remember when I first moved to California. I had never heard of a Farmer’s Market back east. Sure, we had farm stands but I grew up in the country. Back then, everything was organic; my neighbor was dropping off bags of zucchini she grew in her yard. Man, that makes me sound old. “Kids, […]

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